achieving change through enterprising solutions

Past, Present & Your Future

What is Past, Present & Your Future?

Past, Present & Your Future is a short course designed to equip Middlesbrough/Stockton-on-Tees residents with convictions to become more confident about disclosing their conviction to employers and training/education providers, and in the process, become more motivated and empowered to fulfil their potential.


The course covers:

  • When/how to disclose a conviction to an employer/educator/training provider
  • The impact of specific convictions on career progression
  • How to write a disclosure statement
  • The differences between spent/unspent convictions
  • Which employers support hiring people with convictions


What has Past, Present & Your Future Achieved to date?

To date, 58 learners have successfully completed Past, Present & Your Future, with 15 learners progressing into employment and 20 learners into education or training within 3 months of leaving the provision.


How do I refer?

For further information, or to book a place, please contact Paul Wales: 07850 916 308 or via